Problem definition: The sequence-dependent assembly line balancing and scheulding problems (SUALBSP) is an extension of SALBP-1. It additionally considers setup times between tasks. For example, such sequence-dependent setup times are:
- walking times of the worker to a material box, to the next mounting position on the same workpiece or to the next workpiece
- time for tool changes
- material handling times for unpacking, withdrawal from a box etc.
The problem was origonally introduced by Andres et al. (2008) and modified by differentiating between forward setup times (walking concerning the same workpiece) and backward setup times (walking to the next workpiece at the end of each cycle) by Scholl et al. (2013).
Data Sets:
Andrés, C.; Miralles, C.; Pastor, R. (2008): Balancing and scheduling tasks in assembly lines with sequence-dependent setup times. European Journal of Operational Research 187, 1212-1223.
Scholl, A.; Boysen, N.; Fliedner, M. (2013): The assembly line balancing and scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times: Problem extension, model formulation and efficient heuristics. Operations Research Spectrum 35/1, 291-320.