Problem statement: The Multiproduct Parallel Lines Assembly Line Balancing Problem (PALBP) is an extension of SALBP-1 with several parallel manufacturing lines. Each of those lines manufactures another product. All lines share the same global cycle time. Based on ordering the lines in a favourable manner, the line efficiency can be improved by combining station loads of neighbouring lines, which can be served by one operator instead of two, in the balancing step. That is, the balancing problems of all lines are interconnected with each other via the problem of arranging the lines. The objective is to minimize the required number of operators.
Data Set of Gökçen et al. (2006): Test instances for PALBP as used in the paper of Gökçen al. (2006). Each test problem type includes four components: o1,o2,z1,z2. o1 and z1 represent the precedence relations of the model produced on first parallel assembly line and task times of the model respectively. Similarly, o2 end z2 represent the precedence relations of the (another) model produced on second parallel assembly line and task times of the model respectively. Cycle times can be obtained from the article.
- PALBP data set (ZIP, provdied by Hadi Gökçen)
Gökçen, H.; Agpak, K.; Benzer, R. (2006): Balancing of parallel assembly lines. International Journal of Production Economics 103, 600-609.